Friday, June 3, 2011

Poem "Ignored" by me

I search for peace,
You promise me love,
You gave me hope,
You took me in,
Then you ripped it all,
My heart is gone,
Your love is pain,
You destroyed my fate,
You salvaged my hate,
I scream in pain,
In hopes you go away,
As you pour salt in my veins,
I plead to the false lord,
I hope you die this day.

What do you think about this poem?


  1. I think it's good but I personally like poems that have more of a rhyme to them

  2. kk...I put a little rhyme i there....
    "You destroyed my fate,
    You salvaged my hate," but thats all lol

  3. Yea I know you did, I prefer to write longer poems with more rhyme, like raps and such
